Coaches, we appreciate you for giving your time to coach a team at All-Star Madness! All-Star Madness will be held at Terrell County High School, 201 Greenwave Blvd., Dawson, Georgia, 3984255. Before you get there, here are the details for the event. All-Star Madness will feature four exhibition style games. Participants will be checked in at the entrance once they arrive. The cost for spectators is $10 and $5 for K-8th grade. All-Star Mandess Coaches get in for free. Methods of payment cash or cash app ($camsports). If you have any questions, Coach Cameron (770-940-2883) or Coach Whitehead (229-322-5546) are your operations contacts.
Coaches are to meet with their teams to get to know the player's names, go over expectations, and game rules at halftime of the previous game. An announcement will be made to instruct players where to go to meet with coaches.
Each Game will be (4) 12 minute quarters with a running clock. The clock will only stop for timeouts (1 :60 per half) and the last minute of the 2nd and 4th quarters.
Mandatory subs every 4 minutes (makes sure the players rotate so everyone plays at least 4 minutes each quarter for the 1st 3 quarters). The clock stops for subs and play stops unless its in the middle of a fast break
The last quarter, the coach can sub at his/her discretion
Halftime is on;y 2 minutes and the clock should be set immediately after the 2nd qtr ends.
Once teams leave the floor after pictures, the next team will have 2 minutes to warm up.
At the end of each game, both teams will shake hands and THEN report to halfcourt. There will be an MVP for each team per game. The coaches will make the recommendations for the MVP for their team. Event Staff will announce the losing team's MVP first and the winning team's MVP second. The MVPs will take a seperate picture with event staff After that, both teams will take a group photo at half court and then each participant will take a profile picture on the baseline with event staff.
Coaches should be professional at all times. Make sure that you follow the rotation protocol. We know this is an all-star game, but we encourage you to coach your team to compete and play team basketball. Coaches, please don't get into it with the officials. Be fair when selecting the MVP for your team. Always be positive!!!
List of All-Star Madness Coaches
Future Stars Girls South - Coach Shareez Hamilton
Future Stars Girls North - Coach Brandy Black
Future Stars Boys South - Coach Quentin Taylor
Future Stars Boys North - Coach Jamaal Thomas
Rising Stars Girls South - Coach Shareez Hamilton
Rising Stars Girls North - Coach D'Erika Quimbley
Rising Stars Boys South - Coach Jonathan Gooden
Rising Stars Boys North - Coach Tenorris Knox
Max of 2 players per team (total of 16 participants 8 boys/8girls)
There will be 1 round per gender. Top score wins. There will be 1 winner for girls, and 1 winner for boys.
Players will shoot for 1 minute (girls on one end, boys on the other).
There should be 2 rebounders and 1 passer for every shooter ( (4 people on the court at a time) only contestants should pass & rebound).
If there is a tie, they will shoot for :45 to break the tie. If they tie again, they will shoot for :30. If they tie again, they will go into sudden death (shot for shot).
Winners will take seperate pictures.
We need all coaches to help the participants stay organized. I appreciate your support! Let me know if you have any questions.
Coach Cam